IJzer in As / Iron in Ashes

In September 2021 we started with a group of 10 motivated students this minor. The previous group already made a story and based on that we made our short movie. The goal was to recreate the bombartment of Hengelo in WW2.

Everybody had their own task within this project. We have compers, 3D modelers, artists, a sound designer and technical artists. My main task I set myself was to make an airplane explode in the air. From without even booted up Houdini once to make an airplane explode was a really ambitous goal.

Start of with the basics

Before throwing myself into the deep end I had to learn the absolute basics of Houdini. I choose specific YouTube tutorials because I knew I needed the knowledge for the airplane explosion. After searching on the internet I found tutorials about fire/smoke, destruction & collision. Learning these basics really helped me to create it in a bigger and more difficult scale.

Flamethrower simulation

Metal simulation

The Airplane Crash

Since they used B26 Marauder aiplanes back then. Another group member is going to model one from scratch. Of course I cannot wait for her to finish. So I searched for a .fbx of an airplane and used that in the beginning. Later on I can easily switch with the other plane and everything will still work.

Airplane crash V1

Airplane crash V2

Turbine Fire

It would be weird for the viewer if there is an airplane exploding out of knowhere. To solve that issue we came up with the burning turbine. It's a cool element for the viewer, it gave me a lot of learning opportunities and a cool piece for in my portfolio. To get insides on what nodes I used and how I setup everything, please take a look on the VFX minor blog click here

Turbine Fire V1

Turbine Fire V2


To make the pyro explosion I used Houdini's aerial explosion as foundation. I linked the explosion to some specific perimatives on the airplane to specify the location of the explosion. By tweaking all the different values as long as needed, I ended up with something I liked. To get insides on what nodes I used and how I setup everything, please take a look on the VFX minor blog click here

Without extra debris

With extra debris



Before I could add textures to the plane they need to be made. I did research about the B26 Marauder's look and created a document with all the information I could find. Based on my research another group member created the textures in Substance Painter.
B26-Marauder Research PDF document

Seperate materials

Inside Houdini I had to seperate the airplane by material type. Glass, wings and the body of the plane all have their own textures. If I would not do this, it would mean that the windows could get a metal texture. For more technical and detailed information, please take a look on the VFX minor blog click here




Bonus Material