The Virtual Dutch Men

The Virtual Dutch Men is a 3D architectural visualization company that was established in 1995 under the name Archivision. The company is located in Almelo and employs 18 individuals with varying specialties, including 3D designers, interior designers, traffic managers, and project leaders. The primary focus of the company is creating artist impressions of architectural projects, products, 3D animations, and 360-degree virtual reality (VR) tours.

Research Question

In addition to artist impressions, The Virtual Dutch Men also specializes in creating architectural 3D animation for clients to use on their websites and social media platforms for promotional purposes. However, the process of creating and adjusting these animations can be time-consuming because, clients often request small changes to the animation. Therefore, The Virtual Dutch Men is seeking a technical solution to more time efficiently create and implement changes to their architectural 3D animations.

Research Goal

The main focus of this research will be searching for a technical solution to reduce the rendering time within 3DSMax for the purpose of 3D architectural animation content for social media and websites. The second goal is to make the process of creating animated people and crowd simulations more time efficient.

Read the Report ->

This research project will present a report that highlights the positive and negative differences between the currently used V-Ray renderer and multiple other 3DSMax compatible render engines. In addition, data obtained from multiple render tests conducted using different renderers will be presented in the graphical format to determine the best solution. Finally, a conclusion and recommendation for the best render engine solution specifically for The Virtual Dutch Men will be provided.

Professional Products Created

The following images are only to showcase which client visualization projects I worked on during my graduation internship.
The official rights belong to either The Virtual Dutch Men or its client.