About me

My name is Chiel Pieters. I am 23 years old and live in the Netherlands.


At the moment I study Creative Media & Gametechnologies at Saxion Enschede. In the 1st year I managed to receive my propaedeutic. Before this I graduated MBO 4 Application Developer at Deltion College Zwolle. I'm currently in the 4th year doing IMT&S (Immersive Technology & Storytelling). Last year I participated in the VFX Minor. Until the end of July '22 I did my internship at ShoSho Amsterdam focussed on Houdini & Maya.


Ofcourse I also have my hobbies and interests. My whole life I played soccer/football. Unfortunatelly I had to leave the 1st team of CCW '16 because of a knee injury. My interest in football switched to racing and Formula 1. I watch every session if possible and love to sim race myself.

In 2012 I made my very first YouTube video. Untill 2015 it was just playing/trying around and learn how to make a HD gaming video. From 2015 to 2018 I had my first more serious YouTube channel (ZependeZ). In this period I learned myself to edit videos in Sony Vegas and to create my own tumbnails in Photoshop. I managed to get my channel to around 800 subscribers.

In 2017 my interests went slowly from YouTube to music. I started creating my own music in FL Studio 12. Back then I joined with my YouTube channel Scalelab Network. Because of that I was able to upload my music to Spotify. I thought 'ZependeZ' wasn't a really good artist name so I took 'Renowned'.

January 2021 I started livestreaming games on Twitch. I worked a few days to make my channel ready to go live and I still enjoy it. I use my Tiktok account to lure people towards my Twitch channel. I post videos about the latest gaming news. Within 2 months I got my account to 3300 followers and a couple viral videos. Currently on Twitch I have about 900 followers who watch me failing in games, crash in F1 2021 and join the conversations with me.

My Studies

Veluws College Twello


After primary school I went to Veluws College Twello. There I graduated on VMBO level.

Deltion College Zwolle

Application Developer

From my 16th till 18th I studied MBO 4 Application Developer on Deltion College Zwolle. This study lasted 3 years. Here I learned a lot about programming languages like PHP, C++, HTML, Javascript.

Saxion University Enschede

Creative Media & Gametechnologies

At this moment I am studing HBO Creative Media & Gametechnologies at Saxion Enschede. I really enjoy this study because I can use my creativity and create things I like. I can proudly say I got my propaedeutic in my first year.