New Orleans

The goal was to recreate the New Orleans style from Mafia 3. Before I started creating the city I did some research to find out what the characteristics are from New Orleans. After this process it was time to find out how to generate a city in general. This was quite hard to find out in the beginning but when it finally worked it was really nice. Time to create some substances and put them into the project.

What I made


I made different models to make the city complete. Since the buildings are flats the floor types are just blocks. The roof types are more interesting with protruding edges. The streets do have a small sidewalk on both sides.


In Substance Painter I made textures for multiple building floors, roofs and ofcourse the streets with sidewalk and crossroads.


To generate the city, coding was needed. Together with another student we made sure everytime you generate the city it looks different. The grid is the same but the building height, floor types and roofs are different.