Immersive Media Technology & Storytelling

ACuTe is a consortium of 14 organizations and theatres that will be working on multiple projects in the upcoming four years. The Schauspielhaus Graz is an Austrian theatre, located in the city centre of Graz. During COVID-19 the theatre released a 360-degree VR experience for the first time. Because the theatre is still new to this technology, they are unaware of the possibilities and restrictions of virtual reality.

How can we make this VR experience immersive and unique compared to already existing VR film experiences, to attract a new audience and keep the already existing audience interested?

Our idea is to create a VR scene with elements and locations from the actual movie to give the user an immersive experience.

Personal Goals

1: My main goal is to find out if I have the skillset and whether I like it or not to be a team leader in a future job
2: By the end of IMT&S, I want to have improved my overall Blender skills. Which includes modeling, using shaders, animating and everything Blender has to offer.


The project began with a rough start. We started with a group of seven people but after a few weeks four people left because of their own reasons. The project has to be continued with a total of three students, including myself. On top of that we lost about 2 months of work because the Schauspielhaus and we as a team had different ideas about this project. Considering the situation, we showed perseverance and tried our best to create something cool.

All concept art has been created by: Yevhenii Derevianko

Scene Concept

Stuffed Animals Concept

Four locations from the film that we used as references





These assets I modeled in Blender




Toy Train

Click here to read my report

In this report you will read about the problem statement, research goals, emphatize, define, concept and development phase. To end with a test plan, feasibility, reflection and conclusion.